Sword's Edge Publishing

Based in Ottawa, Ontario, Sword’s Edge Publishing produces role-playing game products, including Sword Noir: A Role-Playing Game of Hardboiled Sword & SorceryKiss My Axe: Thirteen Warriors and an Angel of Death, and Centurion: Legionaries of Rome.

SEP began as a publisher of d20 PDF products, including Spec Ops. Spec Ops is a Modern line, focusing on military special operations and espionage. The Spec Ops line is comprised of no-FX products, meaning the adventures and supplements are devoid of magic, far-future technology or super-heroic powers.

Our Arcane Kingdoms line includes fantasy and sword & sorcery products, including our line of Sword’s Edge System products, such as Sword Noir, and fiction products, such as Gifts of the Elder Gods.

Find out more about Sword's Edge Publishing at swordsedgepublishing.ca



The arms traders of the world are abuzz about a new deal that is coming—someone is selling something..




A mysterious arms trading organization holds a scientist’s family hostage somewhere in the former So..




The mysterious criminal network known as Technician 67 may be vulnerable. After crossing paths with ..


Poles of Power (PDF)

Poles of Power (PDF)

It’s the turn of the 11th century BCE in the Mediterranean. The kingdoms of the Achaean Greeks, the ..


Questions of Loyalty: A Centurion Adventure (PDF)

Questions of Loyalty: A Centurion Adventure (PDF)

The civil war between Caesar and Pompey has been going on a year, and Gaul has only a skeleton crew ..


Red Danube: a Centurion Adventure (PDF)

Red Danube: a Centurion Adventure (PDF)

It’s 271 of the Common Era, and General Aurelian has defeated a host of rivals to become Lucius Domi..


Riggers (PDF)

Riggers (PDF)

It has been 70 years since the Event. Earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis ravaged the globe. C..


Six Stood Alone (PDF)

Six Stood Alone (PDF)

One village fears the return of a group of border reivers. They have very little to provide as a rew..


Starship Commandos (PDF)

Starship Commandos (PDF)

You are part of the Marine Special Armour and Tactics squad – the elite MARSAT – facing all the ..


Suffer the Witch: A Kiss My Axe Adventure (PDF)

Suffer the Witch: A Kiss My Axe Adventure (PDF)

A group of Vikings cast ashore find a village stripped of its warriors. The chieftain speaks of ..


Sword Noir (Legacy Edition Sale)

Sword Noir (Legacy Edition Sale)

Sword Noir Legacy Edition Sale! There are only 10 hardcopies of Sword Noir 1st edition remaining. ..

C$15.00 C$25.00

Sword Noir 2e (PDF)

Sword Noir 2e (PDF)

Imagine a barbarian prince embroiled in the criminal underworld of a cosmopolitan city as they se..


Sword's Edge RPG

Sword's Edge RPG

Did you want to play a showdown at high noon? A fight with the cardinal’s guards? Did you want..


The Abyss and the Cult: An Adventure Series (PDF)

The Abyss and the Cult: An Adventure Series (PDF)

It’s a cult. It’s seeking the end of the world. It is not large, but it is dangerous. But what is ..


The Kheufer Scrolls (PDF)

The Kheufer Scrolls (PDF)

It’s the stuff that nightmares are made of.A strange cargo has entered the city of Everthorn. These ..


Showing 16 to 30 of 32 (3 Pages)