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Mothership 1e and Participation Mechanics in TTRPGs

edited October 2024 in News
A middling dive into Tuesday Knight Games' Mothership and why I don't jive with it.

After backing the Mothership Kickstarter from Tuesday Knight Games to the nines, I ended up with the rare joy of unboxing an entire line all at once. For presentation, the thing’s aces. I could write a whole blog about how I think Mothership is, or is just about, leading the pack in indie TTRPGs in page and graphic design. And in terms of dollar value I got so much in this darn thing it makes me worried that they may not have actually made anything on this product. Playing Mothership itself, however—the part that matters to me most—is where it falls down. It has taken me about a month to figure out why. I am secure in my criticism partly because I had an especially good GM, so it’s fairly easy to separate out what was the system, and what was good GMing. I think I’ve got it, and, as apparently the only indie TTRPG fan on the Internet that does not like Mothership, I thought I should make a post about my opinions.

You Don't Play the Game, the Game Plays You

read more of James thoughts on his blog
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