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Dungeons Unleashed: Crimson Shield Campaign

edited May 2022 in General
I recently started a playtest campaign of Dungeons Unleashed, a hack of the Simple Superheroes engine for fantasy gaming. (Link to the free alpha/beta rules.)

I will start posting up session summaries and other details here.

Dungeons Unleashed Dark Age of Darsivia campaign

Players were given three options on what theme the campaign would take: The Beastmen of Kadesh, Silver Lanterns or Crimson Shield Mercenary Company.

They chose the Crimson Shield.

Azim, skeleton knight due to a cursed suit of armour (Player Aneesh) rank corporal
Osprax, light/dark mage and friend of birds, half-elf (player Ben) rank specialist
Robert the Healer, priest of Elnadar (player David) rank specialist

Crimson Shield members
Commander Angranth
Corporal Lenox
Jonah brave trooper with Azim, fights side by side
Jacob trooper with Azim. Complains, always does the thing so he doesn’t fight.

Local force escorting caravan is about 20 troopers + ranked members. (2 lost during predawn attack)
The Crimson shield is a significantly larger mercenary company, currently taking a number of smaller jobs while looking for more lucrative employment.

Currently escorting a (mainly) halfling caravan along the fey road (caravan leader - Phillips). Between the gnomish city of Tinkerton and the elven border city.

The session started with a disagreement at a cross-road on which way to go to the eleven border city, Osprax consulted the birds who eventually told him to head right.
While they waited Azim’s section scouted, and were attacked by a needleman. It revealed the Shroom sent it before being slain. It had poisonous fungus growing on it.
Another trooper threw a javelin at a figure, but further scouting revealed nothing.

The caravan traveled on and camped overnight. On the predawn watch, raucous cries of starlings alerted the group to a halfling being grabbed at the latrine by a podman. Azim and Robert stopped them, and Osprax discovered more hiding in wait. Birds were called to attack and the Crimson Shield formed up and smashed the 5 podmen, losing 2 men in the assault.

Robert managed to convince the last surviving podman to lead them home. 2 halflings were discovered missing.

Spot 3 podmen carrying 2 halflings and a goblin below in a cavern at the base of a waterfall. The podman leading them and Robert take a tumble off the cliff into the pool below.
Osprax slows them by blinding them.
They catch up and defeat them, just as Sargath the black dragon reveals himself. He is there to stop trespassers, unless perhaps they offer him wealth.
Osprax fumbles with negotiating as Robert jumps across the stream and appoaches from another direction. After a brief warning he attacks the dragon - with cancer.
The dragon breathes on Robert, who survives relatively unscathed, and Osprax blinds with a flash of light, as Azim rushes to help.

The battle ends after with Sargath fleeing in flight (after the blindness spell wore off), swearing vengeance and Osprax magically summoning a swarm of birds to attack the beast – he rolled double twelves. The dragon eye is pecked out, he slams into the wall and falls to the pool below, dead.

The heroes find a small but heavy chest, and take it and the dragons body with them.


  • A dragon's defeat:
    Honestly I was mostly thinking of the dragon encounter as a roleplaying one. But player perspective often surprises you.
    I didn't have stats for a young dragon handy, but I had made one before, so I just went with: 4Lp 3Mp, 3-claw&bite [O], 3-dragon magic (includes breath weapon) [F*], 3-dragon scales [D], 3-magic defense [D], 2-flight [F]

    Throughout the fight the dragon got relatively poor rolls, but the major hero advantage was the action economy, and Osprax blinding the dragon on his first action. Keep in mind that the three heroes had only rank 2 talents and the dragon was pretty much always rolling three dice.

    Round 1 - Robert does 1 "cancer" damage, dragon breathes poison acid on Robert - no damage, Osprax blinds dragon for 2 rounds*, Azim rushes over missing with a thrown axe (1 die).
    *Osprax got two successes, which I ruled lasted for the next two rounds (2-light vs 3-magic defense).

    Round 2 - Sargath (dragon) casting spell*, Robert does 1 damage, Azim does 1 damage, dragon spell spoiled -- breathes acid cloud at "noise"* hits Azim for 1, Osprax reblinds dragon for 1 round (no real effect)

    Spell spoiled -- I'm not sure about this ruling, I do like the idea of deciding you are going to cast a spell and it being spoiled if you get hit. When those spells get declared, and when they go off needs some more thought.
    I ruled that even blinded a dragon is going to hit something with it's breath weapon. Randomized the breath weapon targeting as 1-4 Azim, 5-8 Robert, 9-12 Both (Osprax was across a stream and not in melee.) Azim being a skeleton had a solid talent called "no vitals" that he could roll in defense.

    Round 3 - Robert misses?, dragon breathes acid and hits Azim for 2, Azim hits the dragon, Osprax ?

    My recollection is a little fuzzier here, however things got bad fast. Robert got to -1. The blindness wore off but the dragon was at -2, he took off, Robert threw a weapon and missed, and Osprax "summoned all the bird's in the world" to stop and attack the dragon. He rolled two 12s. The dragon rolled one 11.

    So a flock of Avians decended and peck out it's eye, causing it to slam into a wall and tumble to the pool below.

    The dice weren't in the dragon's favour, but the big thing was it never got to attack multiple opponents with it's breath weapon. This action economy change was due mostly to the blindness.
    I ruled against the dragon for dismissing the blindness spell (it probably would have been a "tremorsense" spell rather than just breaking the blindness) because he got hit. Something I wasn't really making the players worry about.
    I did rule in his favour when he hit -2. Technically this means he should have been limited to his rank 3 talents to and only able to role 1 die (negative lifepoints subtract from dice your talents.)
    Looking back this could have been a good opportunity to have the dragon surrender, and RP from there.

    But hey, I've only had one other game where a dragon was defeated, and this is the first ever where one was killed -- and in a very, very dramatic fashion. So that is a win.
  • edited January 2020
    Session 2: The Crimson Shield Dark Age of Darsivia Campaign

    The Crimson Shield continues to escort the halfling caravan up the Fey Road.

    We had mostly new players.

    Azim - Skeleton Knight returns. (Played by Aneesh)
    Greeneye - The Ranger, who wishes to return peace to the forest of his youth (played by Jeff)
    Mikael - conjurer, gained powers after nearly dying, joined Crimson Shield because he didn't feel safe around normal people. (played by Mike)
    Kazura - Paladin of Sarissa. Former Squire of the knights of the Godpack - found their methods questionable. (Pravreen)
    Bulch - thief/assassin type. Half-elf + half-orc. Some talk of a connection to a noble family.

    Opened dragon's chest: cloth, circlet with opal (magical protection), sipstrassi (concentrated mana), coin.
    Travelled on, loading dragon's body into one of the wagons.

    At camp that night, the group followed a trail of suspiciously large mushrooms that grew larger and larger, until reaching a pool. They hacked at some and Greeneye determined that they should be edible, and tasted quite good. Fought off a "squelch mound," which retreated into a pool. During the fight Kazura was dragged inside the mound, but his last second aura of flames prayer, and it's damage convinced it to regurgitate him and retreat into the pool.
    A giant slug that Mikael had summoned disappeared when it touched the water. The mercenaries figured out that the water had some sort of magical properties, and collected some to take with them.

    The next day they continued on and met a leprechaun who asked for some pipeweed in exchange for some good luck. He gave them a rabbits foot, and gave Bulch (half-orc and half-elf) bad luck when he mispronounced his name. One of the halflings named Jerry who they saved from the dragon, helped them arrange the pipeweed.
    Arrived at Windemere at sunset (thanks to the good luck) and saw a large group of Beastmen - mostly orcs of the empty eye clan and a handful of wolfmen completing the salt ceremony before leaving the gnomish village.

    Greeneye talked to a Wolfman, and then Bulch talked with an orc named Cargor of the Empty Eye clan. They had been driven from their home 2 winters ago and a mushroom, they said they traded with Windemere and are heading South to new land.

    The Gnomes of Windemere offered to make some gear from the dragons body for the Crimson Shield. Windemere is surrounded by obelisks that seem to protect it somehow. The carts are left there and all goods loaded onto donkeys and mules.
    Bulch claimed dragons heart at gnomish village of Windemere. Flogged for wearing it openly like a barbarian beastman and being insubordinate to commander Angranth.
    The dragon heart beat when he was flogged, and when he walked between the obelisks surrounding Windemere.

    Crossroads, used magic water?
    No, orcs went "south"

    Copper Trees gate. Osprax had to head back to Windemere, a mark on his hand started glowing.

    Met a Giant who was scared of magic. Barley managed to avoid a serious altercation.

    Caravan suddenly found themselves desperately thirsty. Some clever play got them through the area and removed the effect (some use of the anti-magic water was used).

    Found themselves at a cottage-temple-garden-orphanage, and an ancient bridge over a mist filled canyon.
    Priest of Draka (Oliver) at the bridge of Death. The PC's solved a riddle to pay for passage and not be attacked by the undead guardians of the bridge.
    Voice spoke to Azim (who said it made the armour) while crossing and gave a small obsidian disk, .

    Unfortunately, Mikael decided to teleport the payment back to himself after they had crossed. He tried to delay the undead by creating a wall, and was slain.

    The heroes and the caravan is fleeing and hoping that the undead do not continue the pursuit.

    Not much combat this session, so not much to comment on there. Players where good at finding alternate ways around things. There was some fine negotiation with the beastmen which lowered the likelihood of them attacking, and they manage to dissuade the Giant from continuing to attack.
    I do think I need to be a little more careful with how I handle spells, so they don't overshadow the other characters. One key I think is that if a caster wants the effect to persist for the scene (be reusable after the first casting) it should take their whole action just to activate the spell.
  • Session 3: Ieosys FenFir

    A short session with character creation and a bit of solo play.

    Ieosys FenFir, elven Acolyte of Chaos (played by Kelley)

    While in the gnomish town of Tinkerton, Ieosys heard about a small shrine to Donobrem god of chaos in the area. He hired a gnomish guide named, Phelleap to take him there.

    Unfortunately, a trio of Knucklegrinder goblins were visiting the shrine as they arrived and a skirmish ensued. Fortunately, Ieosys chaos bolt and mind trick spells put an end to hostilities before anyone was killed. The goblins requested the acolytes blessings, and while performing the ritual Ieosys Fenfir discovered a Silver Pendant of Chaos in the altar.

    A voice urged him to follow the red. Upon returning to Tinkerton he discovered the Crimson Shield mercenary company, escorting a halfling caravan up the fey road to elven lands, and immediately decided to join the mercenary company.
  • edited March 2020
    Session 4: The Battle of the Ridge and The Cursed Lady

    Our first session over Discord. We had two players brave this test of unfamiliar technology.

    Azim, skeleton knight due to a cursed suit of armour (Player Aneesh) rank corporal
    Robert the Healer, priest of Elnadar (player David) rank specialist

    The Battle of Sandstone Ridge
    The Crimson Shield and the halfling caravan swiftly retreat from the bridge. However, despite a brief pause, it is clear that the undead of the bridge have sent a pursuit force. After several hours of forced march, Commander Angranth abandon’s any hope of outdistancing the tireless undead. Finding a defensible ridge a short distance off the path, the Crimson Shield form up in a battle line.

    Robert blesses the heavy infantry, insuring that they will not be subject to any fear effects. Halfling slingers of the caravan attempt to disrupt the advancing undead, but are ineffectual and quickly break in fear of the advancing force.

    Azim commands the reserve skirmishers, and splits his force to match the enemy encirclement. While the Crimson Shield outnumbers the undead on all fronts, there ability to shrug off blow after blow more than evens the odds.

    Against the odds, the Crimson Shield holds, and holds some more. The Skirmisher’s on the left, lead by Jonah, are the first to break and run after a third of their number are cut down. However, the halfling slingers rally, and join the fray, preventing the slaughter of the caravan.

    On the right, Azim’s bravery encourages the men. While they are pushed back and one man is cut down beside him, eventually the battle turns in his favour. He and his men dismember one after another of undead warriors. He claims a black obsidian chip from the forehead of one of the warriors.

    At the heart of the battle Robert confronts the undead commander. They rain holy and unholy energies down upon one another. Around them the line pushes back and forth, favouring one side and then the other. Eventually, the battle starts to turn against the undead, the superior numbers of Crimson Shield exposing both flanks to additional spears and swords. The undead commander, injured and seeing the tide of battle turning, knocks Robert prone, creating an opening for the undead force to retreat. They do so, silently and in good order.

    To a man the Crimson Shield let’s them flee unmolested. A ragged cheer goes up, tempered with the hope that they will not have to fight such a chilling foe again.

    Caravan leader Phillips, believes that they have succesfully fended off half of the legendary Thirty of Terrathor bridge.

    The Twisting Path of the Serpent
    Thankfully the undead do not return that night, or the next day. The Crimson Shield buries it’s 5 dead and one halfling slinger. They travel on uneventfully until midafternoon. Ahead is a meadow where the path splits into three paths, one lined with white stones, one lined with black stones, and a third path lined with red stones. They twist, meander and intersect one another. In the sky, they see a Sky Serpent flying along the paths. It heads in their direction.

    Gareth the Sky serpent is looking for Elborath the giant. He says the giant has something of his.

    The Woman and the Burnt out Cottage
    As dusk approach the caravan approached a burnt out cottage. (The Sky serpent informed them that if they are heading to elven lands, they should head left after the burnt out cottage.) Robert and Azim decided to scout it before setting camp.

    A strange woman was there, milking a cow. Azim and the woman quickly got into an argument, and it rapidly became clear that something was amiss. She saw him as a normal human, and couldn’t hold his coin, while she could throw a rock right through him. She saw Robert as a man swathed in light. Robert prayed to bring her more in alignment with life, and break any ensorcellement on the place. Immediately the placid cow was revealed as some form of stinking and tentacled catoblepas. Fortunately, Azim was the one charged by the beast, and was mostly immune to it’s unnatural energies.

    The beast was slain. Robert was able to perform a ritual to break the curse on the woman. Who revealed she had been cursed by an ancient which (her husband’s grandmother) named Enclavada.

    The caravan made camp.

  • Session 5:
    Our second session over discord. We had four players.

    Azim, skeleton knight due to a cursed suit of armour (Player Aneesh) rank corporal
    Robert the Healer, priest of Elnadar (player David) rank specialist
    Kazura - Paladin of Sarissa. Former Squire of the knights of the Godpack - found their methods questionable. (Pravreen) rank specialist
    Bulch - thief/assassin type. Half-elf + half-orc, can turn invisible. (played by Eric) rank scout

    Azim gains a level and improves his stunt points, and gains a 2-Charismatic Leadership [functional] talent.
    Bulch gains a level and improves his life points, and improves his 2-Acrobatics [functional] to rank 3.
    Kuzura gains a level and improves his life points, and improves his 2-Aura of Flames [defensive] to rank 3.

    A Wolf Among Dogs
    Bulch notices a that a third dog has joined the caravan. It looks almost identical to the two lab-like dogs the halfling Gregory.
    After a series of hijinks, Bulch, Azim and Kazura manage to capture the third beast. Eventually it transforms into a Wolfman name Albrech of the Open Eye clan. They got lost on the Feyroad, and thought the Crimson Shield was chasing them.
    After some negotiation, Albrech leaves, and some trading of goods occurs the next day. Both groups part company. After some words of warning about Bulch’s dragon heart.

    The Brook of Dreams and Spider lair
    Short version – strange brook causes some of the caravan to wander off and fall down a spider pit due to illusions. A battle ensues (Azim and Bulch were unaffected and follow.)
    The Robert the Healer and Kazura rescue the trap soldiers and mule with some clever spell work. Robert heals the mule and gives it goat like agility to escape the pit.

    The Return
    They march for hours to try and catch up with the rest of the caravan. It isBulch who realizes that they need to stop relying on their eyes, and as Albrech said – they need to follow their noses.
  • edited April 2020
    Session 6: The Elven City of Onhalon

    Leosys FenFir, elven Acolyte of Chaos (played by Kelley) rank specialist
    Robert the Healer, priest of Elnadar (player David) rank specialist
    Bulch - thief/assassin type. Half-elf + half-orc, can turn invisible. (played by Eric) rank scout

    Robert gains a level but is undecided on his improvements.

    Mind Battle
    As the two separated groups of the Crimson Shield come, together confusion ensues as illusions clash with reality. Commander Angranth demands that Leosys FenFir does something. Praying to Donobrem to dispel the mental confusion, the acolyte of chaos quickly finds himself in mental battle with some sort of spirit. Bulch slips into invisibility and can see an apparition with it’s claws in Leosys head. Leosys is wracked with burning pain. He gambles and uses Chaos bolt on the spirit, to resounding success - he is able to disperse this and all the other spirits and illusions in short order.

    Knotwood and Entering the Elven Border City of Onhalon
    A treant named Knotwood interviews each member of the caravan before they can enter Onhalon. He warns them to keep to the visitor section of the city unless accompanied by a local guide. Leosys being a pureblood elf is given free reign, and told about the current competition and selection to be elected prince of Onhalon. Robert makes Knotwood laugh, long, and hard.
    After some initial revels on arriving in Onhalon, the characters pursue different objectives while in the city.

    Robert’s Relaxation and Reconnaissance
    Robert headed to elven glade dedicated to Elnadar. Many priest and worships move about. He sat down with the chief priest Aikaterine and enjoyed tea and theological discussions. The two discussed the state of the church in both elven and human lands. Robert also learned that the hobgoblin nation of Krangi is certainly mobilizing for war. Aikaterine believes that they will attack either the human Barony of Marbach to the south, or the County of Ebilith to the north.
    Robert informed Commander Angranth of this potential opportunity for the Crimson Shield.

    Bulch: blood, blades and bones
    Bulch visited the elven bonemaster Lysander. Lysander taught him about some of the properties of the dragonheart of Sargath. He helped him with some initial attunement to the heart. Lysander alse agreed to fashion a dagger from the spider-fang he collected, but only if he can pay more silver than he had.
    Bulch agrees, and decides to take on an assasination mission for an elf named “Eratus.” The job is to assassinate a councillor named Dorian. He climbe to the top of Dorian’s tower, avoided detection by his children, and slit the councillor’s throat. He escaped despite briefly confronting a spellcaster who attempted to foil his invisibility as he left the tower. He collects his payment and pays for his new spiderfang dagger.
    The population of Onhalon, seems more suspicious of the caravan over the next few days . . .

    Leosys: Prince and the Cathedral of Fallen Stars
    Leosys decided to enter the competition to become Prince of Onhalon. He completed the test of archery, the test of vigor (on the second attempt - succeeding in climbing the great oak Helix), and the test of stillness (meditating for many hours more than necessary thanks to using a “mind trick” prayer on himself, and a complacent official). He broke bread and played dice with an elf named Nikostatos who had awoken him from his trance.
    Unfortunately, Leosys is not chosen at random to be Prince. But he did catch the eye of the new Prince Pelopidas, who asked him to help him find and reclaim the buried city of Terrathor. Pelopidas promised him a lordship should those lands be reclaimed.
    Leosys pays his respects to the Catherdral of Fallen Stars, the pre-eminent temple to Donobrem in the region.
  • Crimson Shield Session 7: The Free Cities and Apraxis the Lizard-man Shaman

    Leosys FenFir, elven Acolyte of Chaos (played by Kelley) rank specialist
    Bulch - thief/assassin type. Half-elf + half-orc, can turn invisible. (played by Eric) rank scout
    Azim - skeleton knight due to a cursed suit of armour (played by Aneesh)
    now rank corporal first class (master corporal)
    Kazura - Paladin of Sarissa. Former Squire of the knights of the Godpack - found their methods questionable. (played by Pravreen) rank specialist

    The Uneventful Journey and Windemere
    While some strange sights are seen on their journey back from the elven city of Onhalon along the fey road, little occurred to disrupt the journey. They stopped midway at Windermere to collect the caravan's wagons, and the rest of the guards and caravaneers. Azim collected his dragonscale shield from a gnomish artisan named Darren. He asked that the shimmering black and green scales of Sargath's hide be painted the red of the Crimson Shield. Darren agreed, but is very disturbed when Azim shows him the black obsidian tokens he collected from the undead of Draka’s bridge.

    Leosys headed to Windemere’s watering hole looking for information on the buried city of Terrathor. He learned a little from a local storyteller, who then brought him and some of the others to Jerald the sage. Jerald then spent a sleepless night looking over the documents that Leosys brought from Prince Pelopidas, and his own tomes and scrolls. In the morning he provided two tidbits of information. A star chart of what used to be visible above the city, and that a smaller city named Rothenthor ob der Nalivaga is quite close to Terrathor. Jerald said that Rothenthor lies somewhere on the Shadowvein river, which means Terrathor may also lie on that underground river.

    Azim asked Jerald about the stones and he promptly informed him that he won’t have anyone waving around necromatic stones from Ebilith in his home, he has children after all.

    Recruitment and Return to the Free Cities
    Having safely escorted the halfling caravan back to their own lands, the Crimson Shield continued on to their home base in the free cities. Most return to the city of Merriclet. Commander Angranth, anticipating the war with the hobgoblin kingdom of Krangi, begins aggressive recruitment of additional men. Over a hundred recruits are added to the company from various parts of the free cities and strict training regiments began.

    (The characters were all allowed to assist in the recruitment drive. All but Bulch succeeded to some degree.)

    Commander Angranth summoned the characters and informed them that they will be dispatched under the command of Captain Jeremiah to the village of Boglet. The White Citadel and the Company of the Spider-bite have called for aid from what they believe is growing hostile raids from Lizardfolk of the nearby swamps. Angranth believes it may have something to do with the lizardfolks patron, the dragon Nagoronomell the black, becoming furious over the loss of his son Sargath.

    The Commander departs with his own cohort to “Brandobia” in north western Marbach to fulfill another contract.

    The Raid of Boglet and Apraxis the Shaman
    The Crimson Shield starts setting up defences around the town of Boglet. Bulch and a number of other scouts are dispatched to see if they can find any signs of Lizardfolk mobilization in the area. As Bulch is in the middle of reporting to Captain Jeremiah that there are no signs, screams are heard from the other side of the village.

    A rolling skirmish occured and each character is faced with a pair of Lizardfolk warriors. Azim quickly dispatched the pair facing him. Kazura, is the next to win free of his foes, killing one with his blade, while the other was set on fire by his aura of flames and dived into the nearby swamp. Bulch avoided serious harm by jumping in an out of combat, but he watched as one of his fellow scouts got cut down before he is able to eliminate the two Lizardfolk.

    Leosys fairs poorly against his foes, but thankfully, Kazura is able to rush to his aid and provide healing. Kazura defeats one, and Leosys chaos hammer causes the other to drop his weapons and begin ritually dancing in circles.

    While this is happening Captain Jeremiah is having difficulty rallying the men to him. Azim, comes to his captain’s aid, using his Charismatic leadership to solidify a battleline. They start rolling over their foes, until the lizardfolk raiders managed to form up, gathering around a standard bearing multiple human skulls.

    Bulch overheared chanting and sought out the source, a lizardfolk shaman and his bodyguard. Bulch attempted to sneak up on the shaman, but his invisibility was foiled by the shamans augmented senses through his 3-aspect of the wild spell. Kazura and Leosys quickly move to assist, and a tense battle is joined.

    Meanwhile, Azim stood at the center of the battle line and came face-to-face with the lizardfolk warchief and his standard-bearer. Together he and Captain Jeremiah managed to kill the standard-bearer and Jeremiah tossed the standard into the dirt. This caused the lizardfolk to flee in disarray. The Warchief seeks revenge on Azim for the death of his shell brother, many of the Crimson Shield watched the mesmerizing exchange of blows. After a particularly skilled flurry Azim knocked the warchief unconscious.

    The magic of the lizardfolk Shaman Apraxis is strong. His chaos Magic matched all three Heroes. But eventually, with body guard defeated and he is caught while trying to make a final escape. Some clever roleplay (by Leosys in particular as a fellow priest of Donobrem) convinced Apraxis that they are also servants of Nagaronomell and Apraxis agreed to take them to see the black dragon. Of course, Captain Jeremiah knows nothing of these plans.

    (Note: Apraxis called Azim - “a servant of Moorak” when he first saw him. The players have not yet talked with the warchief or any other captives.)
  • Crimson Shield Session 8: Graveyards and Councils

    In the aftermath of the Battle of Boglet, we had 3 players:

    Bulch - thief/assassin type. Half-elf + half-orc, can turn invisible. (played by Eric) rank scout
    Azim - skeleton knight due to a cursed suit of armour (played by Aneesh)
    now rank corporal first class (master corporal)
    Kazura - Paladin of Sarissa. Former Squire of the knights of the Godpack - found their methods questionable. (played by Pravreen) rank specialist

    Kozura leveled up and decided to increase his faith points and acquire a cohort! For some while, starting on the return trip from the elven city of Onhalon, Kozura has been seeing a moose. In Boglet he showed up again. Over the past few weeks they became friends. At the opening of the session, Kozura introduced the team to his new steed, Brutus the moose.

    Bulch leveled up and gaining a lifepoint, and a new defensive talent - heart of the dragon. This can help defend against magic in particular.

    Aftermath of the Battle of Boglet
    Azim questioned the warchief, Hadrapat, who insisted that he would not be a slave, and that as he had fought well Azim should honour him by “eating his heart.” Hadrapat also said that Nagaronomell the black protected the lizardfolk from Moorak.

    Captain Jeremiah was eventually convinced that a small party should be sent to the White Citadel, via Hommlet. This party would bring the co-operative Apraxis the Shaman with them. Jeremiah insisted that corporal Harold be part of the expedition.

    The Grave of Baron Himmel of Marbach
    At a crossroads between Boglet, Merriclet and Homlet stands a grave from one of the great battles of the War of the Fallen Hammer. Corporal Harold insisted on stopping at the grave of Lord Himmel, 2nd Baron of Marbach, one of his heroes.

    As the expedition stops to pay their respects to the fallen, Bulch’s dragonheart pulses, and Azim suddenly finds himself unable to move. The voice of Moorak demands he leaves “his” osidian stones here at the baron’s mausoleum. Azim questioned the unfamiliar voice, and Kozure sought to free his companion with his prayers. The negative energy proved to much and ripped into Kozure’s life force.

    Dark mist swirls, and the spirit of Moorak emerged. He demanded the stones again, and then let loose a wave of necrotic energy, injuring everyone but Bulch spared thanks to his dragonheart. Apraxis the lizardfolk shaman was able to join his own chaotic magics with Kozure, to dispel the spell trigger that brought Moorak’s spirit here.

    Lord Rufus, and the Wizard Burne of Hommlet
    Lord Rufus greeted the expedition with an armed detachment of his own at the gates of Hommlet. The group is brought into the keep and into council with Lord Rufus and Burne the wizard, where they learned that the White Citadel is already under siege by lizardfolk and Nagaronomell the black.

    A hasty plan is approved via crystal ball by Bianca and Wilfred of the White Citadel. The Crimson Shield is authorized to seek out Nagaronomell and either seek to bring about negotiations, or to bring him to battle. Burne and Rufus gifted the characters a healing potion, a feather token, and a wand of icy wind.

    And Now?
    The expedition pressed on ever closer to the White Citadel, and stumbled onto a battle between undead and lizardfolk. The wingbeats of a dragon can be heard . . .
  • Session Summary 9: Dragons, Sieges, and Necromancers

    We had a full house for the session consisting of:

    Robert the Healer, priest of Elnadar (player David) rank specialist
    Leosys FenFir, elven Acolyte of Chaos (played by Kelley) rank specialist
    Bulch - thief/assassin type. Half-elf + half-orc, can turn invisible. (played by Eric) rank scout
    Azim - skeleton knight due to a cursed suit of armour (played by Aneesh)
    now rank corporal first class (master corporal)
    Kazura - Paladin of Sarissa. Former Squire of the knights of the Godpack - found their methods questionable. (played by Pravreen) rank specialist
    Kikuchiyo - a warrior with an ice-blade from a distant land. Former (?) Silver Lantern, and recent recruit to the Crimson Shield. (Played by Luke)

    Jump Back: Leaving Hommlet
    We did a quick jump back to introduce Kikuchiyo. Jaroo made a brief appearance, transforming from a bird, and handing Kikuchiyo three clear crystals to help fuel his ice blade. Burne immediately pulled Jaroo aside, apparently berating him for spying on them once again.

    The Battle in the Woods
    Coming upon a Lizardfolk and undead locked in battle, the Crimson Shield dove into action against the undead.
    A spectre ripped away Bulch’s soul from his body, but with the prayers of Kazura and Leosys, the spectre eventually disappeared into the ground and Bulch recovered his body. The battle turned in favour of the Crimson Shield, and Apraxis the lizardfolk Shaman had managed to help the lizardfolk and the mercenaries unite into a defensive line.
    However, Kikuchiyo was badly injured by a wright who had drained his life force. This is when Tanagreal the green dragon swept out of the sky, her breath weapon destroyed many of the undead, but her sudden arrival also sent many of the Crimson Shield fleeing for cover.
    Azim was the first to shake off the fear, and re-engaged the wright. After a several tense moments, the wright was slain, and the rest of the undead were methodicatlly hacked to pieces.

    Audience with Tanagreal the Green
    (pronouced Ta-na-gre-al, apparently syllables are a big deal to dragons)
    The Crimson Shield learned that Tanagreal is working with her old mate, Nagaronomell the black to help find their missing children. Seeing as members of the Crimson Shield slew their son Sargath, and are carrying a shield made of dragonscale and Sargath’s heart. This causes some trepadation.
    Miraculously, Tanagreal did not notice either of these things, and agreed to arrange a meeting with Nagaronomell.

    Audience with Nagaronomell the Black
    (pronouced Na-ga-ron-no-mell, apparently syllables are a big deal to dragons)
    The Crimson Shield are brought to the edge of the siege around the White Citadell, and then over to a nearby bog. Here Nagaronomell partially emerged from the water, and held court.
    Negotiations became especially tense when Nagaronomell discovered that Bulch carried Sargath’s heart. He demanded to speak to his son, via Bulch’s attunement to the heart. To everyone’s surprise as Bulch and Nagaronomell concentrated, an image of Sargath appeared above the heart. The great black dragon demanded to know if Bulch was involved in his death, and Sargath replied “No father, he was not. It was sometime later that this one took my heart.” He asked if any of the men and elves standing here had been present at Sargath’s death, and Sargath replied “I can see only the one who holds my heart, and you Father.”

    With tensions lowered, they discussed that Moorak was hiding somewhere in the White Citadel, and that this was the dragons true target, since they believed him to have something to do with the disappearance of their children and new that he was responsible for the death of many of Nagaronomell’s servants (the lizardfolk). The Crimson shield proposed to approach the Citadel, seek to negotiate a peace and find and ferret out Moorak if he really was inside the Citadel. Nagaronomell welcomed them to the lizardfolk camp while he discussed this with Tanagreal.

    Interrupted Dreams
    In the middle of the night, Bulch awoke to being pinned by dragon claws. Tanagreal’s head loomed menacingly above him. Fortunately for the hapless Bulch, he remained relatively calm an offered to let her speak to her son. After enduring the pain of scalding dragon tears, and a whispered conversation he can’t quite hear, Tanagreal left.

    Before the Gates of the White Citadel
    Bianca, wizard of the tower of stars, and Idrin Ironbeard, crossed the moat to talk with the Crimson Shield. Suspicious of some foul play, Robert the healer quietly used a cantrip to see if any necromancy was afoot. (He rolled a 12). His spell revealed that Bianca’s soul was somehow caught, and that she was being controlled by a fell spirit.
    Siezing the opportunity, Robert attempted to use his life magics to bring her soul back. Idrin charged Robert, but Azim interposed, a wrestling match followed with Azim at a serious disadvantage. Before things got worse, Robert, joined by Leosys, were able to pull her soul back, and dismiss the other spirit.
    Horns sounded. The gate of the White Citadel opened and Moorak strode onto the field, flanked by 4 ogre zombies, and the living ogre chieftain Lubash.

    After a titanic struggle Moorak gated away with a prepared word of recall. Significant notes:
    Kikuchiyo’s ice blade was claimed by Moorak during the struggle.
    First Leosys and then Kazura’s souls were sucked into a black gem that Moorak used to drain everyone’s life.
    Azim was under some sort of control or possession by Moorak when he left.
    Nagaronomell and Tanagreal battled what seemed to be their son Abrinthor the red, who had been transformed into some manner of undead dragon. The exact results forom this struggle are unknown.
    Robert somehow raised one of the undead ogres back to life.
    Idrin was occupied throughout the struggle by killing Lubash, the ogre Chief.

    (Only Bulch was left in positive hitpoints when Moorak left, he himself being at -2, and seeing three opponents who could possibly still put up a fight.)
  • edited May 2021
    Session Summary – Crimson Shield after the White Citadel

    I ran two seperate sessions with different characters to address the aftermath of the epic clash in front of the White Citadel.
    The first actually moved farther into the future quicker than the second. There was one player who participated in both sessions. I actually really enjoyed how these sessions jumped between players and “times.” Hopefully they were fairly coherent for the players as well. Since both of these sessions happened a few months ago, my recollection is a little sketchy. But here’s what I can summarize from a few notes and memory.

    Crimson Shield Session 10A: Disembodied
    This session wove together three disparate groups, across conceptual space and time.

    Leosys Fenfir – Acolyte of Chaos – trapped in the soul stone
    Kazura – Paladin of Sarissa – trapped in the soul stone
    Azim – skeleton knight – empty vessel last compelled to Moorak’s service
    Kikuchiyo – wandering hero with an ice blade – the only one able to act in the real world

    Journey in the Real World - Kikuchiyo
    As Moorak vanished Kikuchiyo barely dodged Azim’s spear which whistled past his throat. With only a knife to hand, Kikuchiyo, grappled close getting a firm hold. This allowed Bianca to finally move forward and modified and extend the “mind pyramid” spell she had created to protect against Moorak’s possession spells, freeing Azim from the compulsion. Unfortunately this left Azim bereft of any animating personality at all.
    Robert the Healer and the remaining priests of the White Citadel were able to keep Azim, and the bodies of Kazura and Leosys Fenfir stable, but could not reverse any of the damage. Understanding the need for someone who knew more of necromancy, Kikuchiyo set out to find his old friend Gerald, priest of Draka, the god of death.
    Kikuchiyo made the long trip to Nulb, recruited Gerald’s aid and returned with him (fighting a few bandits on the way.) Gerald spent several days praying over Leosys, Kazura, and Wilfred and could only confirm that their souls seemed to be trapped elsewhere. He and Robert the healer spoke at length and spells to keep their bodies alive were created that Robert could maintain.
    Restoring Azim’s spirit was also beyond his skill. However, Gerald provided Kikuchiyo a means of ordering him about like and ordinary undead skeleton using one of Azim’s obsidian stones. Gerald suggested that they go see a necromancer who employed the arcane arts – Lorent of Ebilith, currently stationed in Brandobia.
    So a cart was secured and Leosys and Kazura’s bodies placed inside with the mindless Azim set to watch over them, and the journey of several weeks begun.

    Inside the Soul Gem – Leosys and Kazura
    Leosys Fenfir and Kazura, sucked into the soul stone of Moorak, found themselves in a kind of void. A number of faint figures seemed to swirl in the distance, but one stood out. The praying soul of Wilfred, high priest of the White Citadel, servant of Sarissa.
    Leosys prays to Donobrem who reveals that there is always a way to “break the rules” and points them to a Maze.
    Together the three enter the Maze of Souls and spend the next several weeks wandering around the Maze. Some challenges are overcome, barriers crossed, and a Chaos pet is tamed by Leosys. All three eventually escape using objects found at the maze through three separate doors.
    Kozura leaves last with the help of Draka god of death. In return Kozura promises a future favour.

    Disembodied Dreams - Azim
    Visions of his father and his god-father marching to war.
    Fought a dark echo of himself.
    Azim speaks extensively with Anias the Ancient who created and wore the cursed armor he wears (perhaps the first undead created by arcane means (post curse of Draka).
    At one point both Azim and Kozura dream themselves inside the Maze of Souls and provide assistance to Leosys and Kazura.

    At the end the group arrives in Brandobia and Lorent of Ebilith enters Azim’s consciousness returning him to control of his body.

    I really liked how this session went conceptually. Wove in separate threads, from the different characters throughout. At several points switched to a different character when they had a decision point they wanted to consider, which I think worked well.
    It was a looong time ago, so mechanically I don't recall if there was anything I would change.
  • edited May 2021

    Crimson Shield Session 10B: Dragons and Curses (Aftermath at the White Citadel)

    Recollection is a little hazy, but this was a very fun session. Chronologically it occurred primarily before the events of the prior session, and had a single overlapping character (Kikuchiyo). This session was entirely based on the characters able to function in the “real world” after the fight with Moorak.


    Robert the Healer, priest of Elnadar (player David) rank specialist

    Bulch - thief/assassin type. Half-elf + half-orc, can turn invisible. (played by Eric) rank scout

    Kikuchiyo – wandering hero with an ice blade

    key NPC – Idrin Ironbeard

    Opening - Immediately after Mooraks Teleportation

    Bianca – there was something here about Bianca freeing herself and helping others with a “mind pyramid.”

    Healing of Tanagreal the Green

    Both dragons were injured battling their undead son Abrinthor the Red. Who was able to escape or perhaps dissapeared when Moorak vanished. Tanagreal was suffering some manner of posinous or necrotic effect. Working together Robert, Bulch and Kukuchiyo were able to heal her.

    The draongs and their lizardfolk army left on good terms. The White Citadel arranged to continue an annual tribute but at a reduced rate.

    The Font of Life and Death

    Bianca and the healers at the White Citadel continued to try and reverse the circumstances of Azim, Leosys, Kazura, and their own high priest Wilfred. Idrin stormed in and demanded the assistance of Kikuchiyo, Robert, and Bulch—it seems Moorak had left a surprise for the group in the lower levels.

    They passed serveral seriously injured men-at-arms and dwarves... ahead lay the danger the unquite dead of the White Citadel’s own catacombs, gathered around the font, awoken by Moorak’s meddling. The undead seemed to be trying to liberate a mass of spirits in the Font of Death.

    Each of the undead had magics of their own at their command, starting with a summoning a blade barrier to block most of the party from rushing in. A fraught battle followed, with each combatant proving their metal.

    Bulch hearing an array of voices from the font foolishly drank from it, and became possesed by a number of spirits – primarily lizardfolk – the final result of this is yet to be felt.

    Robert, and Kichucyio’s old friend Gerald- a priest of Draka, were able to determine that the font of death here in the catacombs, and the font of life above in the chapel of the White Citadel, are connected. A balancing was required, and could be achieved by having those who “brought life” in simple ways – farmers (after plantings), herdsmen (after calving), and new mothers pray and offer their sweat to the font of life.


    We briefly had the characters stop in Hommlet and speak with Jaroo, Burne and Lord Rufus, and then they journeyed on towards Brandobia to meet with the armies and the rest of the Crimson Shield for the final battles against the Beastmen of Kadesh.

    Journey they did with the “bodies” of Azim, Kazura, and Leosys as related in session 10A above.

  • edited June 2021

    Crimson Shield Session Summaries – Brandobia Sessions 11 & 12

    There were two short sessions that occured in and around Lord Brandon’s castle and the town of Brandobia. Captain Jeremiah’s detachment of the Crimson Shield was asked to stay here with some local forces, as some Beastmen were threatening the area while the main army is seeking to bring the main force of Beastmen to bay, in the contested border regions.

    Notable NPC’s
    Lady Emily – daughter of Lord Rufus of Hommlet, wife of Lord Brandon. A hard woman who often takes on a compassionate role.
    Sir Thomas – in charge of local forces. When Sir Thomas was just a squire he helped Lord Brandon liberate the Castle over a decade ago from the mostly orcish occupants.
    Captain Jeremiah of the Crimson Shield – the characters think he is rather incompetent.
    Lorent of Ebilith – a necromancer serving as the “court wizard” in Brandobia. In addition to settlers from the Free cities, and the Barony of Marbach, many Ebilithans have been brought into the region by Lorent, bringing many of their customs with them.

    Cecilia – One of Lorent’s apprentices.
    Albrech the Wolfman – originally met while travelling on the Fey Road. Caught while infiltrating the Castle.

    Crimson Shield Session 11: Castle Brandobia & Lorent the Necromancer

    Bulch - thief/assassin type. Half-elf + half-orc, can turn invisible. rank scout
    Azim - skeleton knight due to a cursed suit of armour (played by Aneesh) now rank corporal first class (master corporal)
    Kikuchiyo – wandering hero with an ice blade – rank trooper

    The short version:
    Azim tries to talk with Lorent, but mostly just gets told that they need to deal with the current crisis before anything else can be done. The group as a whole learns more about how Ebilithans raise their relatives as undead workers to help with their labours.
    At night Bulch notices a dog behaving in an odd manner. He’s able to find Azim and Kickuchiyo and the three manage to catch the beast as it approaches the postern tunnel. It transforms into Albrech the wolfman, who attmpts to open the postern gate to let in a waiting band of beastmen raiders. The heroes stop and capture Albrech before he succeeds, and an alarm rings out throughout the castle.
    Azim and the core of the Crimson Shield marches out of the postern gate to engage the beastmen, Sir Thomas and Captain Jeremiah ride out with the calvary to strike from another side.
    A brief skirmish occurs, but before the calvary arrives and can deliver a telling blow, Azim’s leadership and convinces the contingents of dogmen, pig-men and wolfmen to flee as surprise was their only hope.

    Crimson Shield Session 12: Brandobia - Captives and Raiders

    Azim and Bulch
    Odd feeling there may have been another player, but I can’t remember any specific actions so doubtful.

    Captain Jeremiah berated the trio for “letting” the enemies get away, without really bringing them to battle. Because of this it was certain that their would be consequences for Brandobians in the path of the raiders.

    The heroes found Albrech was being kept beneath the Castle in the elaborate dungeon passageways. He was kept in small cage with iron bars on all sides (including the floor). The iron bars prevented any shapechanging on Albrechs part, but where also rather painful. Bulch snuck in to speak with him but was interupted when Sir Thomas entered to continue his questioning. Sir Thomas suspected someone was there, but Bulch made it out without any confirmation (thanks to his invisibility.)

    The heroes spoke with Lady Emily on Albrech’s behalf, and were told she would consider the situation. Reports of raiders in a number of area caused patrols of Crimson Shield and some of the local garrisons to be dispatched to try and find and counter them.

    Azim, Bulch, a file of Crimson Shield warriors, and Cecilia the apprentice necromancer (with her undead guards) were dispatched together. Captain Jeremiah made it clear that they had better produce results.

    Soon the patrol began crossing paths with injured and maimed farmers (adult males had one of their hands cut off.) With their direction, Bulch was able to pick up the trail, and their file was ambushed in the woods.

    Bulch easily eliminated most of the kobolds (dogmen) attacking from the trees on one flank, while Cynthia’s frightening “rain of blood” incantation took out the other flank of dogmen. Azim was able to rally his warriors against the frontal assault of the pig-men. However Jonah was seriously injured.

    Bulch’s warning and quick action was able to alert the undead guards, to a sudden rush of elite wolfmen trying to take down Cecilia. Bulch took out on of the wolfmen himself, who surrendered to him – as long as he wouldn’t let “her” turn him into one of “them” (undead). He asked him to eat his heart if he had to be killed. The rest of the pig-men also surrendered.

    Jonah, on deaths door was saved by Cecilia using one of Azim’s obsidian stones (from the undead at the ancient bridge). After returning to the Castle with their prisoners, Jonah was able to give the stone back. However, something is wrong with him. . .

    With their return with more prisoners, Lady Emily determined to treat Albrech more like a “noble” prisoner. Given some (minimal) freedom and nicer accommodation, and being held to his word of not trying to escape.
  • edited February 2022

    Session 13 – The Battle of the Fjord,
    Defeat of the Beastmen of Kadesh
    Gareth the Skyserpent gains the Deck of Fate

    This was an “epic” scale battle. I really like how it ran. I did need to codify how I run these a little better (I have done so in a separate thread). Not sure how transparent it was to the players, though the point was primarily to “feel” like they were taking part in a huge battle.

    Player Characters:
    Leosys Fenfir – Acolyte of Chaos – (priest of Donobrem)
    Kazura – Paladin of Sarissa – former squire of the Godpack Knights
    Azim - skeleton knight due to a cursed suit of armour. rank corporal first class
    Bulch – the bearer of the heart of Sargath, skin is changing to lizardfolk scales due to possession, rank scout

    A note on the “beastmen” of Kadesh
    Roughly speaking a dogman is a kobold, a pigman an orc, and a wolfman a gnoll in “classic” D&D terminology.
    It’s common for beastmen to have “skin-changers” in their ranks, who can assume their “beast” form like a lycanthrop would (dog, boar, wolf.)
    Some advanced skinchangers and shamans can assume many beastal forms. This usually requires a skin or pelt of the creature they wish to mimic to do so.
    Lizardfolk and Minotaurs are also beastmen. Many beastman have united under the banner of “Kadesh.”*
    Before the War of the Gods, (around 500 years ago) many wizards created servants from the beasts around them. Donobrem’s curse during the war gave them full awareness, full liberty and real souls. Modern beastmen are decendants of these creations.

    *Kadesh is a historical bronze age city that the Egyptian and Hittites (and others) fought over. The reference was not deliberate.

    With the danger to the central settlement of Brandobia abated, Captain Jeremiah’s company joined the rest of the army assembled to face the Beastmen. After a spring and summer of maneuvers, inconclusive battles and skirmishes it seemed the final battle was at hand.
    The heroes got a chance to decide what division they would serve with and if any initial info could be obtained.

    **Information **
    Bulch was able to identify a leadership group of moslty wolfmen carrying orange banners. The group also saw Gareth the Skyserpent high above the battlefield, and “lured” him down for a discussion. (The Crimson Shield had encountered Gareth before, see session summary 4.)
    From Gareth they learned that a division of Minotaurs was hidden on the battlefield, and they agreed to help Gareth recover something from Elborath the giant, who was serving with the Beastmen army.

    Initial Unit Divisions
    Human Forces
    Calvary Units:
    Knights of Marbach – Baron Gabriel of Marbach, including Lord Brandon and neighbouring knights like Lord Rufus of Hommlet
    Godpack Knights – Lord Commander Harold Hadrad, (with Lord Aramond, a mentor figure to Kazura before he left the order)
    Hammer of the Crimson Shield – Commander Hadrian

    Crimson Shield Skirmishers – Captain Jeremiah
    Crimson Shield Heavies – Commander Angranth
    Brandobian Conscripts --
    Brotherhood of Life and Death – Lorent of Ebilith, living relatives and their undead brethren. Lorent’s apprentices (Cecilia et all).

    Azim – chose to stand with the less well armed and trained Crimson Shield Skirmishers. Commanded by Captain Jeremiah.
    Kazura – decided to ride on Brutus the moose, with the Hammer of the Crimson Shield, who combined for most of the battle with the Godpack Knights.
    Leosys – stood with the Knights of Marbach, in the hopes of meeting the threat of the Minotaurs.
    Bulch – remained roughly unattached in the hopes of making surgical strikes and fading. - I could have supported this plan better than I did.

    The Beastmen of Kadesh
    Dogmen skirmishers
    Dogmen Light infantry – primarily kobolds of the Blood-letter copper mines.
    Pigmen heavies – primarily Tree-Eater orcs
    Wolfmen Elite – Finndo’s command
    Wolfmen shapechanged – and “wolf” allies
    Elborath the Giant and Pigmen elite – elite Open Eye orcs, Cargor (met at Windemere)
    Minotaur squadron – ambush from behind

  • edited February 2022

    Battle Summary:
    The session occurred half a year ago at least, but here is a much longer then I expected breakdown based on some notes, and the conceptboard where we sketched out a map of the units.

    Dogmen Skirmishers and Crimson Shield Skirmishers clashed first. The dogmen retreat quickly, but returned later in the fight. However this gave the rest of the units time to maneuver, with a slight edge to the human forces.
    Crimson Shield heavies engaged pigmen heavies, and dogmen light infantry the brandobia conscripts. The concripts nearly broke but were reinforced by Crimson Shield skirmishers (Azim’s player making the call to have that unit engage.)
    The Crimson shield heavies started pushing back the pigmen, but wolfmen elite struck the heavy infantry and things quickly turned, with them being pushed back.
    The Godpack Knights, with the Hammer of the Crimson shield rushed into counter the wolfmen who broke off from their engagement with the infantry. (The attack here was determined by Kazura’s player.)

    Wolfmen vs Knights+Hammer
    Pigmen vs CCH
    Dogment vs Concripts+Skirmishers

    On the left the Wolfmen were being pushed back, while in the center both forces held. On the right, a force of wolves attack the far flank, and the Knights of Marbach, rode forth, breaking the wolves with their superior numbers. They began circling looking to hit the reserve or attack from behind.

    Elborath the Giant stormed with his elite pigmen. Hurling rocks and javelins in support of the center. Most of the Hammer of the Crimson shield broke off from the wolfmen and rode to meet the giant (leaving the Godpack knights to fight them alone), as did the Knight of Marbach themselves delayed briefly by the reforming dogmen skirmishers. Each side riding around to hit this unit at the rear of the battlefield.

    Leosys was left behind when the Knights of Marbach rode forth, with only the Brotherhood of life and death guarding the rear. And the Minotaurs charged, seeking to hit the right, and crumple that wavering force.

    brandobian conscripts

    Beastmen Rear:
    Giant+Pigmen+dogmen Skirmishers vs Hammer CS and Knighs of Marbach

    Wolfmen vs Godpack Knights

    Pigmen vs CS Heavies

    Dogmen vs CS Skirmishers

    Human Rear:
    Minotaurs vs Brotherhood of Life and Death

    This is where we started to get into the personal battles, and battlefield magic.
    At the rear, Bulch and Kazura witnessed Elborath the giant crushing multiple foes with a single sweep of his weapon, and while crushing other horsemen enemies with kicks of his armoured boots. They both engaged the giant directly. Fighting him for several rounds.

    On the left the Godpack Knights steadyly pushed back the wolfmen, but they remained in the fight.

    In the center the pigmen rallied when their giant appeared, pushing back the CS heavies.

    On the right, the CS Skirmishers nearly broke when a dogmen shaman began enhancing his troops. Azim gathered his best men, and led them through the fray to counter the shaman.

    At the human rear, the Minotaur charge smashed into the brotherhood of life and death. Leosys and the necromancers forced to directly engage with several of the 30 charging monsters. (If not for the brotherhoods unusually high morale, the charge surely would have broken them.) Fortunately the spells here, and the brotherhoods fighting capability killed and routed the great beasts quickly.

    The Brotherhood toke a moment to asses the best disposition and split into two, 2/3 under Lorent advancing into the center, and another 1/3 with Leosys and the necromancer Cecilia moving to support the left.

    brandobian conscripts

    Beastmen Rear:
    Giant+Pigmen+dogmen Skirmishers vs Hammer CS and Knighs of Marbach

    Wolfmen vs Godpack Knights

    Pigmen vs CS Heavies + Brotherhood

    Dogmen vs CS Skirmishers + Brotherhood

    Rear - stalemate - pigmen polearms and throw weapons countering most of the mounted units advantages, though the skirmishers took heavy losses and seemed ready to break. Elborath the giant, Kazura, and Bulch all severly bloodied.

    Left - the wolfmen finally broke, and the Godpack Knights gave a short chase then reformed, ready to rengage.

    Center – the addition of the brotherhood breaks the pigmen resolving, buckling their lines. Scores are killed as they break, but one wing begins an orderly retreat. The CS heavies cheer and let them go themselves exhausted.

    Right – the shaman is killed, and the dogmen finally break, many are captured but the wolves manage to cover their disorderly retreat, preventing a wholesale surrender.

    The battle cleary turned in the Human forces favour and the giant’s life in peril, Gareth the skyserpent patiently watching the battle from the skies, dives from above slams down on his rival, and demands his surrender, and the return of his deck of fate.
    Elborath agrees to the skyserpents terms, and the last beastman unit on the battlefield throws down their arms in surrender.

    Brandobia has reinforced and confirmed it’s new borders. The exact concessions the beastmen will make are being negotiated. Abandoning any claim to the bloodletter mines in nearly a guarantee, with significant concessions of other land/and or becoming a tributary state likely.
    It is hoped that some form of peace can be found after more then a decade of escalating battles.

    Lord Brandon will be elevated to Baron, giving his overlord the Baron of Marbach solid grounds to assume a higher title.

    Elborath gives his word to take Gareth the Skyserpent back to his mountain where he has the deck of fate. Before the dragon leaves some wisdom may be dispensed to our brave heroes. Some talk is made of trying to find the buried city of Terrathor, perhaps that is where are heroes will venture next.

    I was very pleased with how the battle played out. This was the largest battle we’ve done, and things flowed well. One surprise was the dogmen light infantry managing to stick it out to the very end of the battle. The dice off between forces there was often in their favour, and there were a roll or two where not much happened.
    In discussion with the players, they all liked the feel of how the battle was run, but there was interest in some more insight into how I adjudicated it.
    I wrote up the basics of the system I use, and have posted it in the "Dungeons Unleashed Battle System" thread.

  • edited March 2022

    Crimson Shield Session 14: Journey to Rothenthor ob der Nalivaga

    We had a full crew for this long overdue return to the campaign. (Robert the healers player did have to drop early.) This included Osprax who hadn’t joined us since the first session.

    Player Characters:

    Everyone got an advance (level up) and we also added an expertise talent. Expertise talents are useless when in peril, but serve to give the character some extra things they can do when everything is calm.

    Session opened with the news that a treaty between the beastmen of Kadesh, and Brandobia had been established. This included the Blood-letter kobolds (dogmen) returning to their copper mines but owing tribute of warriors and goods to Lord Brandon, who was elevated to Baron Brandon.

    The players had previously agreed to delve into the subterranean realms in search of the buried city of Terathor. The prime motivation being that Leosys was told by the elven prince Pelopidas of Onha1on that there would be a Lordship for him if he found it.
    Other motives surely exist, which we will discover.

    Several months after the new peace was struck, a dogman warrior named Cedric agreed to guide this eclectic collection of Crimson Shield members towards the buried city of Rothenthor ob der Nalivaga*. A small city that stood close to Terrathor before the fall.

    They travelled deep into the copper mines, and then far beyond them through twisting passageways. Awakening from their camp, they hear the shrieks of Cedric, echoing through the branching passageways.
    Following it with some difficulty, Bulch spots Cedric’s unconscious body being shoved into a massive piece of vegetation resembling a pea pod. The Group is attacked by four pod-men defending their plant. Kazuma's aura of flame,is particularly effective during the fight. It blesses some of his allies weapons and leaves the pod-men smoldering. When a pod-men's entangling grasp begins choking thepaladin, the aura burst out of him turning the creature ash.
    The final pod-man delusions from o Spanx's poison blade and confused by strobing lights is skewed by Azim as it stumbles into pool.

    Cedric is rescued as is a partially transformed man everyone has begun calling "Usk" which is the only sound that he can make.

    After getting rather lost, the group faces a choice between a passageway filled with mist and a “whistling” passageway. After some debate and prodding, they elect to follow the “whistling” passageway. `

    Azim fell down a scree slope into a undergound creek, and the party descended to him and followed the water. Osprax sent a raven ahead to scout the way, and the bird returned clutching a topaz. Bulch scouted a short distance, saw some humanoid creatures enjoying a hot spring and upon hearing their speech which he couldn't understand, the lizardfolk spirits within him took over.

    Eventually the rest of the party followed, expecting trouble but instead were welcomed with open arms by Guzutch and her tribe. She claimed that "the arrival of the slug people was long fortold. You are here to help us free the Great One."

    And so, after some contemplation, and Draka the god of death calling in his favour from Kazura to free it, the party did indeed free the Great One. A religious ceremony was held, and as the great one was freed he asked many of the group to "give him life" most did in one fashion or another. . .

    The tribe promises the group the gemstones needed to build a dwarf, and that they would guide them to the bridge of Rothenthor ob der Nalivaga.

    *The name Rothenthor ob der Nalivaga is based loosely on the German town of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, a lovely walled medieval city, that I visited on a holiday in 2010.

  • edited March 2022

    Crimson Shield Session 15: Exploring Rothenthor ob der Nalivaga

    Had a full house of players (minus Osprax the wizard of light and dark)

    NPC's --
    Usk - part-pod man elf merchant
    Cedric - dog-man guide of the blood-letter kobolds

    Cardilenus, the great one
    Started with a quick "flashback" for Robert who had missed the liberation of "the great one." When the great one asked Robert the Healer to give him life, he did and rolled [12, 9, 9] -- as far as the other's could tell he spent the next while in a strange trance. In which Robert found himself speaking to a great tree, a common representation of his god, Elnadar the god of life.

    Through this and some other speaking with the blue people it was learned that the god they freed was Cardilenus (the Great One), a god of water. He had been imprisoned before the war of the gods. Elnadar suggested that this was sure to "upset the balance" and seemed surprised that Drakka (the god of death, who used Kozure's oath to convince him to this course of action) would support this but was unsurprised that Donobrem (the god of chaos, who Leosys is a priest of) would support it.

    Cardilenus has been worshipped for water's life giving properties, and for it's ability to drown.
    n.b. there have been no "minor" deities in Darsivia since the war of the gods. Only the 6 great gods of Law, Chaos, Good, Evil, Death, Life.

    Reward - Stones to build a Dwarf - missing Topaz
    A shamefaced blue person prostrated himself before the group, wailing that he had failed in his duty. One of the stones to build a dwarf, a topaz, had just gone missing.
    Some tense moments followed where the group revealed that they had . . . acquired the topaz accidentally (Osprax's raven had stolen it). Tension was eventually diffused by various roleplaying, including Azim's use of leadership cleverly determining that having Kozure give some of the blue people's children rides on Brutus the moose, would help settle things.

    Bridge to Rothenthor
    Escorted by the Xvarts for many hours, the group was left at a bridge spanning a massive chasm with a river below. Across the span lay the remains of the city of Rothenthor.
    The bridge guardian a cursed wizard named Darren Troll, required "something he had never been given before" to cross the bridge.
    Robert gave him a firm handshake, Leosys the color of his hair, Kozure gave him a prophecy, Bulch ignore this entirely and flew across using his dragon heart. Darren Troll called Azim "Annias," welcomed him back and said he owed him nothing.

    Exploring Rothenthor
    The group entered the gate unhindered and found the environs disturbingly pristine, buildings having fresh + brightly coloured coats of paint, streets sweeped clean, and completely vacant. They briefly followed a strange automaton, before heading towards a house with smoke curling from it's chimney.
    Temple and the Font of Disenchantment
    On the way they here a voice saying "Nonononononononono" and enter a huge temple to the six gods. Sarissa's altar is notable for being in terrible condition, while the rest had clearly had extensive restoration work.
    Following the sound they find six impaled skeletons, guarding the Font of Disenchantment. One of the skeletons immediately spoke, threatening "Annias" (Azim) and a fight broke out.
    A hard fought battle followed with the skeletons exploiting the font of disenchantment to aid against the crimson shield's spells. Eventually the skeletons lay broken. Leosys divested himself of the lizard spy that Apraxis had cursed him with, and the group gathered a couple water skins of disenchanting water. The skeletons began reforming and the Crimson Shield made a hasty retreat.

    Matthias, the Old One
    Continuing on to the house, they find Matthias, and ancient 500+ year old gnome who presides over the dwarf automatons maintaining and digging out Rothenthor.
    He says he'll "build them a dwarf" if they help Lore.

    Lore and the Silver Lanterns
    They find Lore (a cursed wizard in the form of a whirlwind) in a courtyard outside the library of Rothenthor. After some tense negotiation and giving Lore a book (they trade him the last few chapters of "the whispers of the great one") he has them swear to return the books stolen from him by the Silver Lanterns.
    A text listing the great houses of Terrathor, ancient star charts, and one other. He gives them a scrap of paper with his requests, and a note informing Matthias that they have reached an accord.

  • edited April 2022

    Session 16: Treasure & Transport

    Azim suffers a strange dream attack. Annias? Claiming he does not deserve "this" power, likely referring to the change in his control of "death."

    Half the group including Bulch, Azim and Osprax head to the docks in search of transport down the Nalivaga river. They fight a shambling mound and find a vessel they could repair.

    Robert the healer and Leosys case Rothenthor searching a number of buildings for valuables and magic treasure. Leosys "intuition" and Roberts use of the Eye of Sargath proves quite helpful. A sack of gold, a magical mink scarf, and oar that creates water transport vessels is discovered.

    For their looting the group is hauled in front of Mattias. Some tense bargaining follows and the group agrees to return the candlestick and forfeit the dwarf Mattias was going to build them. (Strangely the mink scarf Leosys took is never mentioned.)

    Osprax, who has found a notable number of Owls residing in the buried city also notices that a large number of bats have been watching them. It becomes clear that Kreegan the blue dragon has been having the bats report on their movements.

    Through some winged intermediaries a meeting is arranged several hours downriver on a small island.

    Robert uses the magical oar to create a large raft, and the Crimson shield proceeds to their meeting. The raft runs aground at the island, and the group sees Kreegan, covered in iron barding waiting for them, with a short figure standing behind his right shoulder . . .

  • edited May 2022

    Session 17: Kreegan the Blue (the Nalivaga River)

    Player Characters:
    Azim, cursed skeleton knight
    Robert the Healer
    Leosys Fenfir, priest of Chaos
    Osprax, wizard
    Kazura, paladin of Sarissa

    Kreegan the Blue
    Bob the Healer's forthrightness in apologizing for slaying Kreegan's brother Sargath starts the negotiations off well, but Azim is much less contrite, and Osprax outright mocks the dragon. . .

    Unsurprisingly battle ensues.

    Bats controlled by Kreegan plague the vision of the casters, and an electrified dwarf automaton Oplopois (hasted by Kreegan's dragon breath) tears into them. This leaves much of the fight between Bob, Azim and Kreegan. The pair deal small wounds round over round, but Kreegan savages Bob into negative life.
    *Azim is largely immune to the dragon's breath weapon thanks to the shield made of Sargath's scales.
    Kozura charges across island on Brutus, dealing a stunning blow to Kreegan - knocking him back from the injured Bob. Kreegan conterattacks and Azim throws himself into harms way to protect Kozura - weathering all of the dragon's attacks - a brave act that proves foolish, the dragon reducing him to -2.
    However Azim's new mastery over death begins draining the dragon of life. Bob rallies, and calling on the power of Elnadar enhances his hammer, striking the dragon with impossible force, rendering the beast nearly helpless.
    Oplopois repelled by injured Leosys "magnetic" activation of his amulet of chaos, charges the casting Osprax, disrupting his spell and cutting into the wizard. Kozura charges back across to protect the wizard but Oplopois nimbly avoids the charge.
    As Bob prepares to crush Kreegan's skull he is impeded by the recalled bats, and Azim calls for Kreegan's surrender. Kreegan nearly begs him to release the death magic, and when he does orders Oplopois to stand down.

    Talk of Terrathor
    Injuries must heal, but while they wait, Kreegan tells them of Terrathor.
    They'll need his help to negotiate the "downspout." He names several factions in Terrathor: Xvarts, Shrooms, Stonechangers, and the "newly" arrived undead with Moorak and Abrinthor the red (his elder brother reanimated by Moorak) who have cause a good deal of chaos.
    He makes it crystal clear that Annias the Ancient, who forged the cursed armor Azim wears, currently "is" the armor.

    Annias the Ancient: Emergence and Possession
    Slightly healed but still very injured (-1 Life) Azim is collecting water from the river, when his reflection moves in the water. It is Annias. The spirit begins strangling him and dark energy surges between them.
    Kozura is the first to rush to his aid, burning the spirit with holy fire. It's not enough to keep Annias from possessing the Azim, who collapses, and then rises with a fell light in his eyes. "You do not deserve this power. You could have freed me at the pool. Now I will have your freedom.”
    Annias now in control of Azim’s body, curses Kazura, saying “Sarissa’s eye will turn away from you, she who buried these lands will no longer answer your prayers.”
    Osprax entered the fray damaging the necromancers dark form with light. In response, Annias threw Azim’s spear at Osprax, but at the last moment Azim’s spirit was able to divert his own arm enough to cause the spear to fly wide (a lucky 12 on a 1 die v 1 roll).
    Annias, first of the undead strode forward, threatening to drain the life from the wizard and the stunned paladin of Sarissa. Robert the Healer, priest of life, replenished with only a single faithpoint, used it most well, banishing the spirit back into the cursed armor from whence it emerged.

    Cardilenus' offer to Kazura
    Sarissa did not answer Kazura’s prayers that night, or the next morning. He stood shakily looking out over the troubled waters of the subterranean Nalivaga River. Cardilenus’ god of waters face seemed to form in the waves, and his voice offered him much. Powers of life giving waters, and the fury of the waves if the paladin would pray to him.
    Kazura refused this as he perceived it as a betrayal of his faith in Sarissa. Cardilenus offered him something else, guidance to the sword of the waves, a sword blessed with his powers. A sword whose legend would carry Cardilenus name among the people of Darsivia. And this Kazura could not refuse.

  • edited May 2022

    Crimson Shield Campaign session summary 17.5: DragonQuest

    Bulch, half-orc half-elf, skin-changer

    Bulch, approaching Kreegan the dragon in an invisible state, suddenly found himself down on one knee. As his friends battled the dragon and Opolopis, Bulch battle the three lizardfolk spirits still inside him. Fighting back and forth over who they should help and whom they should hurt.
    Eventually settling on moving away from the battle rather than make things worse. . .

    Kreegan’s Mission
    The dragon greets Bulch as the carrier of his brother’s heart, and he greets the lizard-folk souls inside him as well. He offers him a mission and in exchange will teach this “little one” to skinchange into a dragon.
    Bulch agrees and sets off with Opolopis to recover a crown from a cursed wizard name Leit, who makes residence where Abrinthor used to lair.

    Leit the Flamesoul
    The journey through dozens of narrow passageways of several hours is uneventful. Opolopis guiding them around hazards. As they near the wizards chambers Bulch spots a narrow band of runes, which Opolopis manages to disable with iron filings.
    Bulch fails to notice the next trap, but it jams. As they can hear Leit the Flamesoul in another room, Bulch quickly climbs to an advantageous position.
    He launches himself at the Flamesoul just in time to disrupt the fire magic it was working on. The trio exchange blows, and fire. Opolopis interposes a lifedraining attack, and but finds much of his armour red-hot and systems failing after the Flamesouls next attack. Bulch considers grabbing the crown off the flamesouls head, but dives back into the battle instead.
    The Flamesoul desperate from taking repeated blows pulls three red-dragon scales (Abrinthor’s) from his robes and breathes across them spewing fire. Bulch avoids much of the flames, and as Leit pivots to bring it to bear on the badly injured Opolopis, Bulch decapitates the flamesoul.
    The crown tumbles to the ground and the flamesoul is quickly reduced to ash, all that remains is the crown, and 2 red dragon scales.
    Bulch searches the chambers and finds a book stuffed with additional letters in spidery writing. He also collects an large stack of silver and gold.

    He tries on the crown and finds it seems to make him fearless or careless. During the fight Opolopis called him “master” and when questioned on this he shrugs and says “I was made to serve dragons.”

    Bulch returns and Kreegan gives him a tooth, and teaches him how to become a dragon, using the heart of Sargath the black, the tooth of Kreegan the Blue, and the scales of Abrinthor the red.

  • edited December 2023

    Crimson Shield Campaign session summary 18: Arrival in Terrathor -- Dracolich!

    Arrival in Terrathor - a Battle with Abrinthor the Red (dracolich)

    Way back in January 2023 we played a session . . .

    The group headed down a vast waterspout "riding" on Kreegan and the transformed Bulch. Abrinthor flew out to challenge them.

    Some took a bit of a tumble, and Kreegan flew off briefly with Abrinthor in pursuit. Kreegan dove underwater as Bulch pursued and brought the battle to the red dracolich.

    A vicious battle followed, but the party was triumphant.

    Some Ogre-Magi of the Order of Glorion chatted with them before teleporting away.

    The party ended at the burial mounds of the Coven of Wrath. Talking with a stonechanger. . .

    Known factions in Terrathor:
    Stone Changers -- seem to keep the peace in the market.
    Blue people (xvarts)
    Dwarves of Kon Lodihr
    Order of Glorion -- are they all orgre-magi?

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