Best Of
Re: List of Canadian RPG conventions
Compose Dream Games regularly attends:
Breakout Toronto, Ontario, March last weekend of March Break -- n.b. rescheduled in 2022 to July
CanGames Ottawa, Ontario, May long weekend
Phantasm Peterborough, Ontario, one Spring event and one Fall event
Compose Dream Games virtually attended some new conventions in 2021:
Impossible Realities Saint John, New Brunswick, we sponsored their Snowed In Game day in December. They have March and September events.
Terminal City Con Vancouver, British Columbia, March. We sponsored their event (mostly with prizes!)
Kingston Area Gamers Con Kingston, Ontario, April

The Creative Process?
Was just ruminating on Twitter about my recent creative process. I use a lot of recycled plots in my adventure design--example is Crossing the Millers is built from the basic plot of Miller's Crossing, and the next project for Sword Noir is based off The City of Violence.
That's basically what Shakespeare did, so I think I'm in good company.
For me, getting the plot is the hardest part. Fleshing it out--the writing--is much easier. I have a notebook with a bunch of plots I've developed, so right now, I have a lot of projects planned because I have these (adapted) plots.
Right now, I am overwhelmingly an adventure developer rather than a game designer, so this might be an issue that others aren't facing as much.
Just wondering how others "find" their plots?
Christmas Forum Update
And their may be some general changes around here as well.