• AA#29 The Doom of Red Rauthim

Red Rauthim, adventurer and ruler of the city Erastavim, decided to right a wrong from his past. Nearly twenty years ago, Red and his adventuring party learned of the location of a great fire giant temple. Ever one to see a golden opportunity, Red thought it a great chance to slay some of the most wicked creatures to walk the world’s face and relieve them of their treasure. In these days Red was brash and hotheaded. He led his party straight into the temple killing anything that got in their path.

However, they met their match when the head shaman, Thjazi-Loki, one of the most cunning and evil giant there ever was, roared and charged into battle with the adventurers. Red’s outmatched party soon turned to flee. Heroically the party’s priest, Father Ferrio, drew the giant’s attention as his friends hurled out of the temple. The last thing Red saw was Ferrio being cut in half by the giant’s great broad sword. For the last twenty years, Red Rauthim has felt guilty that his friend gave his life so that Red may live. Feeling his age upon him, Red left his city 6 months ago to personally kill Thjazi-Loki out of respect for his fallen friend.

But Red has not returned, although divinations ken he is still alive. You and your party have been hired to find and return him to his city, even if that means bearding a fire giant temple!

An OSRIC module designed for 4-8 adventurers of levels 7-9.

Find out more about Expeditious Retreat Press on their Sorcery & Super Science blog.

Format 8.5" x 11" black and white
Type Adventure module
Pages 8 pages
Rule System/Engine OSRIC / 1st edition Fantasy
People & Companies
Author Ray Bailey
Format 8.5" x 11" black and white
Type Adventure module
Pages 8 pages
Rule System/Engine OSRIC / 1st edition Fantasy
People & Companies
Author Ray Bailey

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AA#29 The Doom of Red Rauthim

  • C$6.00

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